Complete Cloth Diaper Resource offering Fuzzi Bunz, bumGenius!, Thirsties, Bummis and more in stock and ready to ship! Free shipping. Visit the Wee Bunz store in Corvallis, Oregon.

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For Your Baby
If you have a baby with sensitive skin, like ours had, you will find that cloth diapers keep your baby's skin rash-free while disposables cause redness. A baby in a disposable diaper has paper, fragrance and other chemicals against the skin. A baby in a cloth diaper has, well - just cloth! - against the skin. Now, you're probably thinking that means that your baby will have wet cloth against the skin - not necessarily. Many of the cloth diapers we carry solve this potential problem by adding a layer of fleece or micro-suede that acts as a moisture barrier, keeping baby's skin dry and rash-free.
For Your Pocket Book
Cloth diapering is significantly less expensive than disposables when you look at your total cost from birth to potty training. The average baby diapered in disposables goes through over $2,000 worth before potty training. If you would like to try your own calculation, click here to visit the cloth vs. disposable calculator on the Diaper Pin website. When people say about how expensive babies are, I always think - "Sure, if you're buying disposables every week. That would really add up!"
For The Environment
You would think that the environmental reasons for choosing cloth would be obvious. The manufacture of disposable diapers consumes oil, wood, water and energy. The disposal of these diapers fills our landfills with these materials plus human waste - something that landfills were not designed for. Remarkably, some articles have been published claiming that there was little difference in the environmental impact of using cloth versus disposables. These articles based their argument, in part, on a study commissioned by Procter & Gamble (makers of Pampers and Luvs) that claimed that the water and energy usage of a cloth diapering made the differences in the environmental impact negligible. However, there are several facts that P&G failed to take into account or tell the public. One of the most important is the amount of water required to manufacture paper.

How much water does cloth diapering use? On average, a cloth-diapered baby consumes about the same amount of water each day as a potty-trained child or an adult does.
For The Convenience
What - are you kidding? No, we're not. Whether you use a diaper service or not, with cloth diapers you will never have to make a midnight run to the store to buy diapers. Cloth contains newborn poo much better than disposables, so you won't spend nearly as much time trying to get stains out of those cute baby outfits. You will not feel any need to skimp on diaper changes to economize. I know many parents using disposables who cringe if they hear their baby making a new diaper right after they've changed it. 'Money down the drain, should have waited a few more minutes,' they think. With cloth diapers, you never regret changing your baby's diaper. Finally, many babies have far fewer rashes when they are diapered in cloth. Very little, if any, diaper cream is needed.
Wee Bunz, Inc. * 2064 NW Fillmore Ave., Corvallis, Oregon 97330 * Phone 1-888-WEE-BUNZ
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